How Long Is Pizza Good For in the Fridge?

Pizza should typically last three or four days in the fridge before spoiling, although it may do so much more quickly than some foods. A rancid smell is one of the first indicators of bad pizza.

Food should be refrigerated within two hours of being purchased or prepared, so pizza shouldn’t sit out too long before refrigerating it. Here are a few reasons why your pizza might not last as long in your refrigerator:


Refrigerator temperatures should be set between 33 and 35 degrees Celsius (or 85 and 95 Fahrenheit) to effectively preserve pizza. Be mindful that different areas in the fridge have differing temperatures; those closer to the door tend to experience higher temperatures due to more frequent opening and closing action than others.

Leftover pizza that has been stored at room temperature should only be eaten within two hours after it has cooled to the appropriate temperature, otherwise it should be thrown out as bacteria grow most quickly between 40-140 degrees Fahrenheit, also known as the “danger zone.” Eating food that has gone bad could make you sick.

As an alternative to throwing away leftover pizza, consider reheating it in the oven rather than the microwave. Microwaving may alter the texture of the crust and produce bland cheese while creating flavorless dough; oven reheating is gentle enough not to have this effect. Before eating your pie, check it for signs of mold or any unusual scent or taste; discard anything which appears stale or has an unpleasant aroma in order to remain safe from unnecessary risks.

Air Exposure

Foods exposed to air for extended periods often spoil much faster than when stored in an airtight container, particularly foods that contain fat or meat such as pizza.

Left out at room temperature (40-140-degree Fahrenheit danger zone), pizza will allow bacteria to rapidly multiply and potentially make you sick. According to USDA recommendations, any food left sitting out for more than two hours at room temperature should be thrown away immediately.

Reheating may kill some bacteria that has developed, but will also dry out and compromise the texture of your leftover pizza, ruining its taste and increasing your risk of illness from eating it. Keep an eye out for visual clues like mold or an odd odor; to maintain its best quality use the microwave when possible and enjoy delicious leftover pizza at its peak!


Refrigerating pizza should last 3-4 days if properly stored; or longer if tightly wrapped to minimize air exposure. This will preserve its texture and flavor.

According to the FDA, leftover pizza should be thrown away after two hours at room temperature because it can harbor dangerous bacteria that could make you sick. Reheating it won’t do anything more than leave behind slightly stale slices.

Plastic wrap or aluminum foil wrapped pizza stored in an airtight container should last between one and two months in the freezer, but any signs of spoilage, such as strange smell or color changes should be thrown out as it poses too high a risk. Remember to bring along a cooler on all future pizza outings!


Frozen pizza is an enjoyable treat, but it’s important to keep in mind that its quality deteriorates with age. Overtime, toppings may wilt and become slimy; additionally, crust texture could suffer due to prolonged exposure to cold air.

To prevent this from happening, ensure your pizza is tightly sealed in either a plastic container or aluminum foil, which will keep any air exposure out and help retain its moisture content. Reheating may even be best done via skillet or oven rather than microwave!

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As soon as your pizza has been prepared, try eating it within several days to maintain its flavor and texture. If any rancid smell or off flavor arises from sitting within its danger zone for too long, discard immediately to prevent food poisoning.

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